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Calendar of international pest control events

Pest Summit 2014 @ Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa,
Sep 3 – Sep 5 all-day
Global Summit of Pest Management Services for Public Health & Food Safety @ Juan-les-Pins Conference Centre
Jun 3 – Jun 5 all-day

Join the National Pest Management Association and the Confederation of European Pest Management Associations for a global summit created to address pest management services in terms of the needs of the food, food service, retail, hospitality and other service business sectors.

Download Full Program

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27th FAOPMA Conference @ Sea World Resort and Conference Centre
Sep 14 – Sep 16 all-day

FAOPMA SPP wBackgrnd 300x100pxAEPMA is pleased to host the 27th FAOPMA Conference in 2016 at Sea World Resort and Conference Centre on the Gold Coast.

The key message for the 2016 conference is “Solving Pest Manager’s Problems”. Bringing Pest Managers, Industry Specialists and Experts together to work towards solving real life pest problems.

We are thrilled to be hosting the conference at the brand new Sea World Resort Conference Centre.  This truly unique venue provides the setting for some exciting after-hour functions to catch up with old friends, make new friends and to further your business opportunities.  The event will be launched “with a bang” at a not to be missed Cocktail Reception at Dolphin Beach featuring, just for us, a live dolphin show!

The Gold Coast is Australia’s premier holiday destination, famous for its theme parks, stunning Surfer’s Paradise beaches and subtropical rainforests, the Gold Coast boasts 70 kilometres of uninterrupted coastline and 26 patrolled beaches.

Parasitec 2016 @ Paris Event Center
Nov 16 – Nov 18 all-day

2016 saveTime 300x100sizeParasitec 2016 Conference program

16 Novembre 2016

Evolution of the rules of chemicals marketing autorisation in France, by Vincent Coissard – Deputy Chief of Chemicals Bureau – French ministry of Environment

ANSES organization within the framework of evaluation and decision process regarding biocidal products marketing autorisation in France, by Françoise Weber – Deputy Executive Director of ANSES (National Agency for Health Safety of Food, Environment and Labour), in charge of regulated products,.

Key points of Biocides recording process for TP 14 and TP 18 renewals and future products market authorizations by Sophie Aviron-Violet and AurĂ©lie Beghin – Consultants – A.S.C. Company

Unwanted birds scaring urban stratĂ©gie : pigeons, seagulls, parakeets, by Dr. Jean-Michel Michaux – Scientific and Tecnology Institute of the Animal in Town (ISTAV)

Nuisances and health risks caused by invasive exotic species of mosquitoes in mainland France by RĂ©mi Foussadier – Director of Services Entente Interdepartmental RhĂŽne-Alpes for the Vector control.

17 Novembre 2016

Customs development and new measures about frequencies of treatments, bait stations and rodenticides classified reprotoxic problem with the consequences for the adaptation to the Single Document : hardship and alternatives solutions by Bertrand Montmoreau – CS3D – Trainer section, associate delegate member

The Alur law and the termite law second decree by Nathalie Bergeret / Eric Debanne – Technology Institute FCBA

Major innovation for rodent control solution by Dr. Romain Lasseur – IZIPEST

Building customer loyalty and  attracting new clients with digital tools, by Arnaud Debaisieux – Formateur

The CEPA certification process : analysis and reporting in France and Bertrand Montmoreau – President of CEPA

Murids ethology : brown rats, black rats and mouse behavior. The lessons of rodent control in the Food industry, by Pierre Falgayrac – Consultant

The latest news in the fight against bedbugs by Dr. Arezki Izri – Head service, Parasitology / Mycology – AP-HP, HUPSSD, Avicenne Hospital.

18 Novembre 2016

Free buffet : Parasitec invites you to a free buffet.

PestTech 2018 @ MK Arena
Nov 7 all-day

Considered to be the largest one day pest control event in Europe, PestTech is regarded by many as the premier event within the Pest Control calendar.

PestTech caters for every sector of the industry with exhibitors covering every facet connected with vertebrate and invertebrate management, this exhibition is essential for all those involved within the industry or on it’s periphery.

For 2018, there will be free parking for attendees. More details when you pre-register

There will also be free WiFi available to exhibitors and visitors to PestTech.

ConExPest 2020
May 14 – May 15 all-day

Polish Pest Control Association operates for more than 20 years.

The organization was established to reshape the Polish ddd market after the political changes in ‘89 and to create the highest standards of professional services provided by the industry. Association is created by a variety of ddd specialists.

We are a member of CEPA, Confederation of European Pest Management Associations. We cooperate with sanitary and veterinary inspections, administrations, scientific institutions etc: School of Agricultural, University of Warmia and Mazury, the University of Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish Society of Purity, Polish Society of Hygiene, the State Department of Health, and many other institutions.

By our actions we are trying to increase awareness of ddd challenges and methods of preventing them, securing public health by performing ddd activities, and improving the expertise of both our members and not affiliated individuals: protecting health, food trade and distribution. In this regard, we provide extensive training and information, organize numerous local and national conferences.

We are modern, constantly adapting organization. Gathered information about the trends and legal regulations are published in our own professional quarterly published continuously for several years. We have our own specialized departments providing specialized services, such as the Office of Experts, which provides support for counseling, consultation, issuing opinions and expertise in the field of ddd.

PestWorld 2021 @ MGM Grand Hotel
Nov 2 – Nov 5 all-day


Every year, NPMA gathers thousands of pest management professionals from across the globe to offer opportunities for information sharing, provide access to the latest products, services, and technologies in the 100,000 square foot exhibit hall, and generate critical thinking in world-class educational sessions.

Join us as we celebrate this year’s PestWorld IN PERSON in Las Vegas!


Owners and managers of pest management companies
Pest management technicians and sales representatives
Product manufacturers and distributors
Industry researchers, educators and students


Manufacturers and Distributors of Products and Equipment for Pest Control, Rodent Control, Termite Control, Mosquito Control, Bed Bug Control, Nuisance Bird and Wildlife Control, and Lawn Care
Mold Remediation Suppliers
Companies that Provide General Services and Products for Small Businesses such as Cell Phones, Credit Cards, Insurance, Legal, and Security Video Systems
Vehicle Equipment and Accessory Suppliers
Computer Systems Technology Vendors
Human Resource Consultants

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