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Evaluation of an insecticide paint for the control of cockroaches in the Zaragoza sewage system

| August 4, 2014
Female specimen of Blatta orientalis

Female specimen of Blatta orientalis

Cockroaches have been a renowned cosmopolitan pest for centuries. They are charac-terized mainly for showing high adaptation ability to all kinds of environmental and physical changes which has allowed them to coevolve close to the human being, colonizing all the habitats human activities take place in. However, the true problem regarding these insects goes beyond its only presence. Their role as carriers of multitude of pathogens potentially leading to human diseases, points them as a fundamental public health issue.

Blatta orientalis (Linnaeus, 1758) is one of the most common species in Spain, also known as western, black or water cockroach as they frequently inhabit locations as basements or sewers among others. Unlike other domestic species, Oriental cockroach has come to develop well defined stationery cycles, their population peaks found by the end of spring and beginning of summer. Massive infestations seem to be related to moisture gradients, as droughts or extreme cold periods force them to seek for shelter in urban structures that might guarantee optimal temperature and moisture conditions.

This is a preview of a full article published in International Pest Control – May/June 2014 issue.

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Authors: Delacour-Estrella , S.¹•²; Ruiz-Arrondo, I.¹•², Muñoz, A.¹, Orensanz, I.¹, Alarcón-Elbal, P.M.², Pinal, R.², Lucientes, J.²

(1) Quimera Biological Systems.
(2) Departamento de Patología Animal, Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de Zaragoza.


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